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Frequently Asked

Why Don't we address health/pregnancy in your readings?

We are not physicians or medical professionals, therefore we can not diagnose or provide any medical advice. If you feel like you have a health condition that needs to be addressed please contact a licensed medical provider. Generally tarot readings regarding pregnancy are considered unethical so we do not address that topic. 

what type of questions will you not answer?
  • We will not answer questions regarding gambling, this includes fantasy sports and betting sheets; paternity questions; and dates of death. When it comes to gambling, it is in our experience that if you are not intended to win, you won’t regardless of how much insight is given. if it’s meant for you, it cannot pass you by, with or without a psychic reading. When it comes to paternity, that is tricky because cards can tell you that someone is the parent simply because they are intended to be the person present in that child’s life; DNA does not make a parent. As far as death dates, we aren’t meant to know that, it’s between you and your Source. Secondly, the repercussions of knowing that information can be extremely detrimental. Speak to any terminally ill patient with a projected life expectancy and you will see the emotional toll it takes. Instead of worrying about when you or someone else will die, focus on how you can live as if you knew how much time you had left on this side.

  • We do not do readings for anyone under the age of 18 without a parent present.

have you or would you refuse to work with a client?
  • If you are being a jerk or playing games, your reading will be instantly terminated,  you will not receive a refund and you will be banned.

  • Please do not come to us with the same questions if you have not done anything to change the situation.

  • We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.
do phones/zoom readings really work?

Phone/Zoom readings are no different from in person readings other than the fact that we’re not in the same room. Offering remote meetings to clients makes it easier for us to connect more often. 

How accurate is tarot?

Tarot is as accurate as the reader you hire. There is a difference in memorizing card meanings and learning to interpret the meanings while utilizing your personal intuitive gifts. The same card can have a completely different meaning from client to the next. The cards are just a snapshot of the energy at the time of the reading; thoughts, intentions, decisions, actions and inactions that take place following that snapshot can change the course of events for better or worse. That’s the beauty of tarot, it gives your insights so that you can craft the future you want.

Do you offer tarot readings for groups or events?

Yes! For inquiries email us at

how often should I get a reading?

Generally speaking we prefer to have a few weeks in between readings so you have time to accomplish or adjust what we learned during the previous reading. This also depends on where you feel you need support, the level of support you are wanting and your budget. 


We work with clients from all races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, gender identity, socioeconomic status, career fields, backgrounds, and the list goes on.  If none of our readers are a fit for you, we will gladly refer you to someone else who you may feel more comfortable with.



(816) 427-1124

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