Major Arcana

00. The Fool

The Fool card advises embracing new beginnings, taking risks, and staying open to life’s adventures without fear or hesitation. It encourages you to trust in your instincts, follow your heart, and approach situations with a sense of curiosity and optimism. It reminds you to stay present in the moment, to be spontaneous, and to embrace the journey ahead with a sense of wonder and innocence.

01. The Magician

The Magician card advises harnessing your skills, talents, and resources to manifest your goals and desires. It encourages you to be proactive, take action, and use your creativity and ingenuity to make things happen. The card suggests that you have all the tools you need at your disposal, so believe in yourself and your abilities to bring about positive change and achieve success in your endeavors.

02. The High Priestess

The High Priestess card advises tapping into your intuition, inner wisdom, and subconscious mind. It encourages you to listen to your inner voice, trust your instincts, and pay attention to your dreams and intuitions. The card suggests that answers and insights may come from within, and it’s important to honor your inner knowing and trust in the mysteries of life. It also signifies a time for reflection, introspection, and accessing deeper spiritual truths.

03. The Empress

The Empress card advises nurturing yourself and others, embracing abundance, creativity, and fertility. It encourages you to connect with nature, cultivate harmony in your surroundings, and celebrate the beauty of life. The card represents a time of growth, prosperity, and maternal energy, whether that be in the form of creativity, fertility, or nurturing relationships. It suggests embracing your feminine power, creativity, and abundance to manifest your desires and bring about a sense of fulfillment and well-being.

04. The Emperor

The Emperor card advises taking charge of your life with authority, stability, and leadership. It encourages you to establish structure, set boundaries, and take a disciplined approach to achieve your goals. The card represents power, responsibility, and the ability to make decisions with wisdom and maturity. It suggests embodying leadership qualities, being assertive, and taking control of situations to create stability and order in your life. It also signifies the importance of following rules and traditions while maintaining a sense of authority and respect.

05. The Hierophant

The Hierophant card advises seeking guidance from tradition, spiritual wisdom, and authority figures. It encourages you to honor established beliefs, institutions, and rituals that provide structure and guidance in your life. The card represents the search for meaning, spiritual teachings, and conformity to social norms. It suggests seeking out mentors, teachers, or spiritual leaders who can offer wisdom and support on your journey. It also signifies the importance of tradition, rituals, and moral values in shaping your beliefs and behavior.

06. The Lovers

The Lovers card advises making choices from the heart, embracing love, harmony, and connection. It symbolizes relationships, partnerships, and the union of opposites. The card encourages you to follow your passions, values, and desires while considering the needs and perspectives of others. It represents a deep bond between individuals, whether romantic or platonic, based on mutual respect, understanding, and shared values. It suggests making decisions that align with your true self and bring about harmony and fulfillment in your relationships and life journey.

07. The Chariot

The Chariot card advises harnessing your willpower, determination, and focus to overcome obstacles and achieve success. It symbolizes victory, control, and forward momentum. The card encourages you to stay disciplined, take charge of your circumstances, and move forward with confidence and assertiveness. It represents a journey toward your goals, fueled by inner strength and resilience.

08. Strength

The Strength card advises tapping into your inner courage, resilience, and compassion to overcome challenges with grace and patience. It symbolizes inner strength, fortitude, and the ability to face adversity with gentleness rather than force. The card encourages you to trust in your abilities, have faith in yourself, and embrace your vulnerabilities as sources of power. It signifies a time for self-acceptance, inner healing, and the ability to tame your inner fears and passions. The Strength card suggests that by staying true to yourself and acting with kindness and compassion, you can overcome any obstacles and emerge stronger than before.

09. The Hermit

The Hermit card advises seeking solitude, introspection, and inner guidance. It symbolizes introspection, wisdom, and a period of reflection and self-discovery. The card encourages you to withdraw from distractions, take time for solitude, and connect with your innermost thoughts and feelings. It suggests seeking answers within yourself, tapping into your intuition, and finding clarity through introspection. The Hermit represents a journey of self-discovery, spiritual enlightenment, and gaining deeper understanding of oneself and the world.

10. The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune card advises embracing change, cycles, and the ups and downs of life. It symbolizes destiny, luck, and the ever-turning wheel of fate. The card encourages you to be open to new opportunities, embrace uncertainty, and go with the flow of life’s changes. It suggests that life is full of cycles, and what goes around comes around. The Wheel of Fortune represents a time of both endings and new beginnings, where circumstances may shift unexpectedly but ultimately lead to growth and evolution. It reminds you to trust in the natural ebb and flow of life and to stay centered amidst the inevitable changes that come your way.

11. Justice

The Justice card advises seeking fairness, balance, and truth in all aspects of your life. It symbolizes integrity, accountability, and making decisions with clarity and objectivity. The card encourages you to act with honesty, responsibility, and integrity in your dealings with others and yourself. It suggests that you may need to consider the consequences of your actions and make choices that align with your values and principles. Justice represents a time for making fair and impartial decisions, resolving conflicts, and seeking equilibrium in your life. It reminds you to strive for fairness and harmony in your relationships and to trust in the universal principles of balance and karma.

12. The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man card advises surrendering to the present moment, gaining a new perspective, and embracing a period of suspension or sacrifice for greater understanding. It symbolizes letting go of control, accepting delays or setbacks, and finding enlightenment through surrender. The card encourages you to release attachments, shift your viewpoint, and trust in the wisdom of the universe. It represents a time of introspection, self-reflection, and spiritual growth, where surrendering to what is allows for profound insights and personal transformation.

13. Death

The Death card advises embracing change, transformation, and new beginnings. It symbolizes the end of one phase or cycle and the beginning of another. Contrary to its ominous appearance, the Death card rarely signifies physical death; instead, it represents metaphorical endings, transitions, and rebirths. The card encourages you to let go of what no longer serves you, embrace necessary endings, and make way for renewal and growth. It suggests that through releasing old patterns, beliefs, or situations, you can create space for positive transformation and new opportunities in your life.

14. Temperance

The Temperance card advises finding balance, moderation, and harmony in all aspects of your life. It symbolizes integration, patience, and blending opposing forces to create equilibrium. The card encourages you to practice moderation, patience, and self-control as you navigate challenges and pursue your goals. It suggests finding middle ground, avoiding extremes, and seeking compromise to achieve inner peace and emotional stability. Temperance also signifies spiritual growth, healing, and the alchemical process of transforming challenges into opportunities for personal development and enlightenment.

15. The Devil

The Devil card advises you to acknowledge and confront your shadow self, embracing your fears, desires, and limitations without judgment or shame. It symbolizes bondage, temptation, and the illusions that hold you captive. The card encourages you to confront the aspects of yourself or situations in your life that are controlling or limiting you, whether they be addictions, negative patterns, or unhealthy attachments. It signifies a need to break free from self-imposed limitations, release yourself from destructive habits, and reclaim your personal power. The Devil represents a call to confront your inner demons, face your fears, and embrace transformation and liberation from the chains that bind you. It suggests acknowledging the darkness within and integrating it into your being to achieve wholeness and freedom.

16. The Tower

The Tower card advises embracing sudden change, upheaval, and revelation. It symbolizes disruption, destruction, and the breaking down of old structures or beliefs that no longer serve you. The card encourages you to embrace change as an opportunity for growth and transformation, even if it may be uncomfortable or unsettling in the moment. It suggests that sometimes, chaos and upheaval are necessary to clear away the old and make room for the new. The Tower represents a breakthrough moment, where the truth is revealed, and illusions are shattered, leading to greater clarity and understanding. It reminds you to trust in the process of change and to have faith that from the rubble, new opportunities and possibilities will emerge.

17. The Star

The Star card advises finding hope, inspiration, and renewal in times of darkness. It symbolizes optimism, healing, and guidance from the universe. The card encourages you to have faith in the future, trust in the universe, and believe in your own inner strength and resilience. It suggests that even in the midst of challenges, there is a guiding light leading you towards a brighter tomorrow. The Star represents a time of healing, inner peace, and spiritual awakening, where you can connect with your highest self and align with your true purpose. It reminds you to stay open to receiving blessings, guidance, and support from the universe, and to have hope for a better tomorrow.

18. The Moon

The Moon card advises navigating through uncertainty, illusions, and subconscious fears. It symbolizes intuition, dreams, and the mysteries of the subconscious mind. The card encourages you to trust your instincts, pay attention to your dreams and intuition, and explore the deeper layers of your psyche. It suggests that things may not be as they seem, and there may be hidden truths or illusions that need to be uncovered. The Moon represents a time of heightened emotions, psychic sensitivity, and facing the unknown with courage and intuition. It reminds you to trust in your inner guidance and to embrace the journey of self-discovery and transformation, even if it takes you through the shadows and uncertainties of the night.

19. The Sun

The Sun card advises embracing joy, vitality, and success. It symbolizes happiness, enlightenment, and clarity. The card encourages you to embrace your inner child, express yourself freely, and bask in the warmth of success and fulfillment. It suggests that you’re entering a period of abundance, optimism, and positive energy, where your efforts are rewarded, and everything feels illuminated. The Sun represents a time of celebration, vitality, and vitality, where you can embrace life with confidence and enthusiasm.

21. The World

The World card advises embracing completion, fulfillment, and wholeness. It symbolizes achievement, success, and the culmination of a journey. The card encourages you to celebrate your accomplishments, acknowledge your growth, and embrace a sense of fulfillment and completion. It suggests that you have reached a significant milestone or achieved a long-term goal, and now is the time to savor the moment and reflect on your journey. The World represents a time of integration, harmony, and expansion, where you can feel a sense of unity with yourself and the universe. It reminds you that you have the power to create your reality and manifest your dreams, and that the world is full of endless possibilities waiting to be explored.

20. Judgement

The Judgment card advises embracing self-reflection, renewal, and redemption. It symbolizes a moment of awakening, clarity, and rebirth. The card encourages you to reflect on past experiences, release old patterns or burdens, and embrace a fresh start or new perspective. It suggests that you’re being called to make important decisions or take decisive action based on a deeper understanding of your true self and life’s purpose. Judgment represents a time of spiritual awakening, forgiveness, and making amends, where you can embrace transformation and step into your true potential with clarity and conviction.