| The Chariot |


  • Determination
  • Willpower
  • Victory
  • Control
  • Ambition
  • Self-discipline
  • Success
  • Momentum
  • Drive

Symbolism (imagery and colors):

  • The Chariot typically depicts a warrior or hero riding a chariot pulled by two sphinxes or horses.
  • The charioteer often holds the reins firmly, symbolizing control and mastery over opposing forces.
  • The sphinxes or horses represent opposing forces or energies that the charioteer must balance and harness.
  • The chariot itself may be adorned with symbols of victory, such as laurel wreaths or victory banners.
  • The colors associated with The Chariot are often bold and vibrant, representing energy, action, and determination, such as red, gold, and white.

Signs, deities, planets, and numerology:

  • Astrological Sign: Cancer
  • Deities: Depending on cultural interpretations, various deities associated with war, victory, and strength, such as Ares, Mars, or Horus.
  • Planets: Mars
  • Numerology: The number 7 signifies perseverance, triumph, and spiritual evolution.

Dark side:

  • The Chariot reversed or in a negative aspect can indicate a lack of direction, inner conflict, or feelings of being overwhelmed.
  • It may represent an inability to harness one’s energy or focus, leading to stagnation or setbacks.
  • In its darker aspects, it can signify reckless ambition, aggression, or a tendency to bulldoze over obstacles without considering the consequences.

The Chariot advises harnessing your inner strength and willpower to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Stay focused on your objectives and remain determined in the face of challenges. Embrace the duality of opposing forces within yourself and find balance and harmony between them. Trust in your ability to navigate through life’s ups and downs with resilience and perseverance. Remember that true victory comes not only from external achievements but also from inner growth and self-mastery.

Journal Prompt:
Reflect on a time when you faced a significant challenge or obstacle in your life. How did you summon your inner strength and determination to overcome it? What lessons did you learn from this experience, and how did it shape your character or future actions? Consider how you can apply the qualities of The Chariot—such as focus, willpower, and perseverance—to current challenges or goals in your life.