| The Lovers |


1. Love

2. Partnership

3. Harmony

4. Connection

5. Choices

6. Balance

7. Attraction

8. Union

9. Commitment

10. Decision-making


  • Two Figures -The central focus of The Lovers card is typically two figures, often a man and a woman, standing or embracing. They represent love, partnership, and the union of opposites.
  • Angel or Divine Figure – symbolizing guidance, protection, and higher wisdom. This figure may represent the spiritual or transcendent aspect of love.
  • Tree of Knowledge – symbolizing wisdom, growth, and the choices we make in relationships.
  • Fruit -The presence of fruit symbolize temptation, knowledge, and the consequences of choices. It echoes the biblical imagery of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
  • Mountain or Path – in the background, representing challenges, obstacles, and the journey of love and partnership.
  • Nakedness – The nakedness of the figures symbolizes vulnerability, authenticity, and intimacy. It suggests openness and honesty in relationships, as well as a willingness to be vulnerable with one another.
  • Cupid or Eros – Cupid or Eros, the god of love, may appear in some verbsions of The Lovers card, symbolizing the role of love and attraction.

Planets dieties numerology astrological signs

  • Planet- The Lovers card is associated with the planet Venus. Venus represents love, beauty, harmony, and attraction. It symbolizes the romantic and emotional aspects of relationships.
  • Deities – The Lovers card may be associated with various deities from different cultures, particularly those embodying qualities of love, partnership, and union. Some potential deities include:

    • Aphrodite: The Greek goddess of love, beauty, and desire.
    • Venus: The Roman goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, corresponding to the planet Venus.
    • Eros: The Greek god of love and desire, often depicted as a winged figure with a bow and arrow.

  • Astrological Sign – The Lovers card is typically associated with the astrological sign of Gemini. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and represents communication, duality, and intellectual connection. The sign of Gemini emphasizes the importance of communication and understanding in relationships.
  • Numerology – In numerology, The Lovers card is associated with the number 6. The number 6 represents harmony, balance, and partnership. It symbolizes the union of opposites and the integration of dualities within relationships.

Dark side

  • Jealousy
  • Betrayal
  • Manipulation
  • Possessiveness
  • Conflicts and insecurities

Advice of the card

The Lovers card in tarot offers several pieces of advice based on its symbolism and meaning:

  • Follow your heart – Trust your intuition and inner guidance when it comes to matters of love and relationships. Listen to what your heart is telling you and follow its lead.
  • Make choices aligned with your values – When faced with decisions, consider what is most important to you and what aligns with your values and beliefs. Choose paths that resonate with your true self.
  • Seek harmony and balance – Strive for harmony and balance in your relationships. Cultivate open communication, mutual respect, and understanding to foster healthy connections.
  • Embrace vulnerability – Be open and honest in your relationships, and allow yourself to be vulnerable. Authenticity and vulnerability deepen emotional bonds and foster intimacy.
  • Choose wisely – The Lovers card encourages thoughtful decision-making, especially in matters of the heart. Consider the long-term implications of your choices and how they align with your desires and goals.
  • Celebrate love and connection – Take time to appreciate the love and connections you have in your life. Celebrate the bonds you share with others and express gratitude for the support and companionship they provide.
  • Trust your instincts – Trust your instincts and intuition when it comes to matters of love. Pay attention to subtle cues and inner feelings that guide you toward what is right for you.
  • Be open to new experiences – Remain open to new relationships and experiences, even if they may seem unfamiliar or challenging at first. Embrace the opportunities for growth and expansion that come from exploring new connections.

Overall, the Lovers card advises you to prioritize love, connection, and alignment with your true self in your relationships and decision-making process.

Journal prompt

Think about a past relationship (romantic or not) that taught you valuable lessons. What did you learn about yourself and your needs?