| The High Priestess | 


  • Intuition
  • Sacred knowledge
  • Divine feminine
  • The subconscious mind

Symbolism (imagery and colors):

  • The High Priestess – The High Priestess is often depicted as a veiled figure, representing hidden knowledge, mysteries, and secrets.
  • Pillars – The High Priestess is typically depicted sitting between two pillars, one black and one white, which represent duality and the balance of opposites. These pillars can also symbolize the gateway between the conscious  and unconscious  mind, or the threshold between the seen and unseen worlds.
  • The Veil – The veil behind the High Priestess symbolizes mystery and hidden knowledge. It suggests that some truths are concealed and can only be revealed through intuition and inner wisdom.
  • The Torah – The scroll or book held by the High Priestess represents sacred knowledge and wisdom passed down through it.
  • Crescent moon(s) – depicted at the High Priestess’s feet and on her head, the crescent moon represents the divine feminine, intuition, and the cyclical nature of life.
  • Pomegranates – Pomegranates, sometimes seen in the background, represent fertility, abundance, and the mysteries of the feminine. They symbolize the High Priestess’s connection to the natural world and the cycles of life and death
  • Water – Water symbolizes the subconscious mind, emotions, and intuition.

Signs, planets, numerology:

The High Priestess card in tarot is associated with various signs, planets, and numbers:

  • The High Priestess is associated with the sign Pisces, which is ruled by Neptune and symbolizes spirituality, intuition, and imagination.

  • The Moon is the primary planetary association with the High Priestess due to its symbolism of intuition, emotion, and the subconscious mind. Additionally, some tarot practitioners associate the High Priestess with Neptune, the planet of spirituality, illusion, and intuition.

  • In numerology, the High Priestess is associated with the number 2. This number represents duality, balance, and partnership. It reflects the High Priestess’s position between the two pillars, symbolizing the balance between opposing forces and the integration of complementary energies


Dark side: The High Priestess, like all cards, can have a shadow side or darker aspects to consider:

  • Secretiveness
  • Passivity
  • Repression
  • Manipulation
  • Lack of clarity/confusion
  • Escapism
  • The High Priestess may suggest a tendency to escape reality or avoid facing difficult truths by retreating into the realm of intuition


It’s important to approach the High Priestess with awareness and discernment, recognizing both her light and shadow aspects and using her guidance to navigate the complexities of life with wisdom and integrity.The High Priestess card in tarot in symbolism and carries several major themes:

  • trust your intuition
  • explore deeper truths (shadow work)
  • embrace the mysteries of life.

Not all answers are in the material world, some answers come from within.

Journal Prompt:

Write about a dream or symbol that been reoccurring. What could this be trying to tell you?