| The Fool |

The Fool is the first card in the major arcana. A man standing on the edge of a cliff in the sunshine. It appears he is about to take a leap or a step off that cliff.


  • New beginnings
  • Innocence
  • Spontaneity
  • Trust
  • Optimism
  • Foolishness
  • Adventure
  • Unlimited potential
  • Taking a leap of faith
  • Trusting the universe

Symbolism (imagery and colors):

  • The Fool himself is a major symbol in the imagery. He is often depicted as a young man standing at the edge of a cliff. He represents the risks and uncertainties that come with new beginnings.
  • The Sun represents optimism, enlightenment, and the promise of a bright future.
  • He wears colorful, mismatched clothing, symbolizing his disregard for convention and societal norms.
  • The white rose represents purity, innocence, and spiritual growth.
  • The cliff symbolizes the threshold of a new adventure or journey and the risks associated with it.
  • The dog at his heels represents loyalty and protection, suggesting that even in times of uncertainty, there are loyal companions or guides to accompany him. It also represents trusting his intuition and following his instincts on his journey.
  • The satchel represents his lack of planning for his trip. The size of the satchel is the key here as he did not pack enough for a long trip and is unprepared for what is ahead.

Signs, planets, numerology:

  • The Fool is associated with the sign of Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and symbolizes new beginnings, courage, and enthusiasm. It also resonates with the bold and adventurous nature of the sign.
  • It is often linked to the planet Uranus, its influence reflects the unpredictable and spontaneous nature of The Fool’s journey.
  • In numerology, The Fool is 0. As 0, it represents infinite potential and the beginning of a new cycle. It is the void from which all things emerge. It is symbolic of a blank slate, and the absence of limitations or boundaries.

Dark side: While The Fool symbolizes new beginnings and embracing the unknown, its dark side can manifest as naivety, impulsiveness, and a lack of foresight. It warns against being too careless or heedless of consequences, as well as ignoring practical considerations.

In Summary: The Fool advises embracing the unknown with an open heart and mind. It encourages taking risks, following intuition, and embarking on new journeys without fear or hesitation. However, it also cautions against recklessness and reminds one to stay grounded amidst uncertainty.

Journal prompt:  Think about a recent decision you made or a choice that you made that involved taking a risk or stepping into the unknown. How did you approach this decision? What did you do, what did you think about? Did you prepare? What factors influenced your willingness to take that leap?